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Stage Revert Data

This plugin enables users to temporarily stage data changes before committing to the actual data model

A stageData property flag inside of the view properties must be added on the desired view configs.

"VIEW_1": {
"state_type": "VIEW",
"ref": "view-1",
"attributes": {
"stageData": true,
"commitTransitions": ["VIEW_2"]
"transitions": {
"next": "VIEW_2",
"*": "ACTION_1"

It also should include a list of acceptable commitTransitions valid VIEW name for the data to be committed when the transition occurs, A not included commit transition would trigger the staged data to be cleared. An acceptable transition will commit the data into the data model. e.g. as per the previous example transitioning to VIEW_2 will trigger the staged data to get committed in the model, since the next transition property is pointing to it and is listed on the commitTransitions array parameter, otherwise it would get thrown away.


Simply add the plugin to the config when constructing a player instance.

import StageRevertPlugin from "@player/stage-revert-data";
const player = new Player({
plugins: [new StageRevertPlugin()],