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Reference Assets

The reference asset set, complete with the storybook-plugin integration below is available here

Storybook Plugin

The @player-ui/storybook package is a storybook addon + wrapper that provides easy-to-use mechanisms for integrating Player flows into storybook.


There are a few different parts required to integrate with storybook.
Start by installing @player-ui/storybook:
yarn add @player-ui/storybook
Next, add @player-ui/storybook to the addons section in .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
  addons: [
In .storybook/preview.js add the PlayerDecorator:
import { PlayerDecorator } from '@player-ui/storybook';

export const decorators = [
Lastly use the PlayerStory component to render a flow:
import { PlayerStory } from '@player-ui/storybook';

export const MyStory = (
  <PlayerStory flow={initialFlow} />
The reactPlayerPlugins story parameter allows you to add any custom plugins (like asset providers) to a story. This can also be set in the .storybook/preview.js file as a global option:
import { ReferenceAssetsPlugin } from '@player-ui/reference-assets-plugin-react';

export const parameters = {
  reactPlayerPlugins: [
    new ReferenceAssetsPlugin()



The events panel addon shows a timeline of events as the flow is processed. Here you will see logs, render/update metrics, data mutations, and more.
Events Addon Panel


The flow panel addon enables users to view and edit the JSON content in the running Player.
Flow Addon Panel


The reset button in the toolbar will reset the running Player with the initial content. This is useful for clearing any data or validation state, or for resetting a completed flow.
Flow Reset Button