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How much do I need to know about Player to use it?

While it definitely helps to understand how it works under the hood, as long as you understand the how Assets & Views, Data & Expressions, and Navigation works you should be ready to author Player content.

If you are an engineer integrating Player into your experience you should probably be familiar with what Plugins are available and how to write your own to support the folks who will be authoring the content. The more advanced your use case is you can explore topics as they become applicable.

Where can I see Player how player is being used?

One of the easiest ways to see Player in action is through our Storybook. This will allow you to take a look at how some of the JSON is passed into player, and what that might look like with our set of reference assets. If you wanted to get started on using player, please check out our Getting Started Guide.

How is Player versioned?

Player follows semantic versioning. We will also publish changelogs for every release.

  • A Major release will denote a breaking change such that it would not, without changes to your implementation or content, work as a drop in replacement. We try and avoid these and will typically batch many breaking changes into a major release to make updating more of a “all in one go” effort. Additionally we will typically announce these releases and make a RC available for users to test and proactively start updates. A migration guide will also be published with an advisory on the changes and what the recommended migration path is.

  • A Minor release will denote the addition of new functionality that is backward compatible with the previous release. When a new minor version is published we highly encourage users to update promptly.

  • A Patch release will denote a bugfix or a minor non-functional change.

I am having issues using Player, how can I get help?

Head over to our issues page on Github and feel free to open a ticket with the bug report template and we’ll do our best to get back to you. The more detail you include the easier it will be for us to help troubleshoot.


Check out the Contributing Guide as this will show you all of the requirements to get started using Player, how to contribute, and some platform specific guides.

I need Player to do _, can we contribute back to Player?

We love and highly encourage open source contributions! One thing that we ask to keep in mind is that Player is supposed to be generic and flexible. We try to keep any application/implementation specific plugins and assets in a separate codebase. While most functionality can be added though plugins we know that sometimes changes in Player itself might be required. We are definitely open to these changes but take great effort to ensure that there are minimal breaking changes and we aren’t narrowing Player’s functionality.